This got me thinking
I love NYC. The city just says it like it is. No hiding, just put it out there. Every time I get out and about, it lets me know exactly what it's thinking. Like this flag, I'm out wandering on my daily stroll through Gotham, taking it all in. I look over across the street and this flag is waving at me. I smile at it, and get my camera out. Thanks for bringing THAT to my attention! I love the mental stimulation that this city brings on. Besides the cultural attractions, just a mere walk on the streets and this city gets you thinking. And this flag did just that for me. Now idea.
But do we always need to know, planning each and every day? Which brings me to the Robert Burns poem and how we think about that.
But Mousie, thou are no thy-lane, In proving foresight may be vain: The best laid schemes o' Mice an' Men, Gang aft agley, An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain, For promis'd joy!
The shattered dream, the grief and the pain instead of the promised plan. I'll admit it, I did as the mouse did. "Wee, sleekit, cow'rin', tim'rous beastie, O what a panic's in thy breast!" I did this for just the couple hours it took me to clear out my office. Once I was home, I took a look around, all this house for little 'ol me? Who knew the housing market would turn tail and not just head for the hills, but right into the oceans... "That wee bit heap o' leaves an' stibble, Has cost thee mony a weary nibble!" No truer words were ever spoken, another plan sat bashed and broken.
I thought about all that planning and what it was all about and who it was for. I realize now I had not included much for myself in that plan. I was like the road construction crew. Setting up the "work zone" to get everybody to go in another direction and to stay clear of where I was working. Setting up right-of ways, installing traffic barricades, clearing everything away so I could lay that road.
I look back at that old life and say, what the heck was I thinking? One little kick in the seat of the pants and I am now living the dream and not laying the plan. I have succeeded beyond what I ever thought I would. The break in the plan was just a fork in the road. I'm doing what I have always wanted to do, living where I've always wanted to live. The thing I love most to date about NYC, my new home... nobody heeds any mind to the lanes in the roads so carefully planned and layed out by this great cites department of transportation.
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